About us

Assistance and reception for minors in the Vila de Santa Luzia community

Founded in 1999, Projeto Barnabé is a non-profit organization (ONG) that provides socio-educational assistance to needy family groups in the Vila de Santa Luzia community, in the Torre neighborhood of Recife/PE.

The objective is to rescue children and adolescents who are in a situation of social vulnerability through educational activities, as well as awakening their families to the responsibility of their educational process with the Christian cosmovision.


Promote family and social integration based on the principles and practices of Christian love.


Provide free specialized educational, social and health services.

Our dream

Seeing our beneficiaries fulfill their role as citizens with dignity, morals and Christian ethics.

Who was Barnabas?

Barnabas ("Barnabé" in Portuguese) was one of the first Christians mentioned in the New Testament. His parents named him Joseph, but when he sold all his possessions and gave the money to the apostles in Jerusalem, they renamed him Barnabas.

The name of the project is a tribute to this man who gave himself completely to the gospel, having done significant works for the growth of the New Testament church.

What are our values?

Projeto Barnabé is affiliated with the Presbyterian Church of Brazil, through a partnership with the Presbyterian Church of Torre, located at the same address.

Our Christian identity is based on the Word of God, being adopted as our rule of faith and practice, having as our main purpose the propagation of the gospel of Jesus Christ.